Indoor Facilities
Winter training takes place at the following indoor facilities. Click the "Workout Schedule" tab for info.
3 Tennis Drive
Shrewsbury MA 01454
T. (508) 842-5002
Hit Quarters is located within the Shrewsbury Athletic Club building.
From Route 9 westbound, turn right on Walnut*, left on Tennis Drive, and Shrewsbury Athletic is on your left. When you enter the building turn right and head down the stairs. Follow the Hit Quarters sign posted on the wall.
Note: Walnut is not a main intersection. Slow down when your GPS says you're approaching it as missing this turn means you'll be doing a time-consuming double-uturn along a stretch of Route 9 where there are limited uturn opportunities.

120 North Meadows Road, Route 27
Medfield, MA 02052
T. (508) 359-7111
Sluggers is on the southbound side of Route 27 (the same side as The Goddard School), and north of Route 109 and West Street. It is set back from the road in an office complex.

31 Union Ave
Sudbury, MA 01776
T. (978) 440-9944