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The 2017-18 season was an unbridled success for all Beantown Bombers teams. The accomplishments were spread out over the various age groups; From an EBL semi-finals appearance from the U11s, a large jump in win totals from the u10s, playoff appearances from the u9s, a runner up finish in the NEBC perfect game tournament by the u10 Red, and last but not least a top 16 out of 104 team finish in Cooperstown Dreams park in New York from the u12s.

Although, we would be remiss to not mention some of these accomplishments, it has never been what the Bombers are all about. These great accomplishments, as fun as they might be, take a back seat to the growth as ball players experienced across all age groups. this year. The Bombers coaches take great pride, not in recruiting the biggest and strongest players, but taking committed players and growing them into players with strong fundamentals, great baseball I.Q., and a sense of the commitment needed to become players who can compete at the highest levels of baseball.

The Bombers are coming back this year with more teams and players than ever before. The bar continues to move higher on what our teams can accomplish. It is important for all of the players for the 2018-19 teams to remember to not be satisfied with what you did last year and come back more determined than ever to grow their game this off-season.

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Beantown Bombers Baseball, Inc.  •  Est. 2012

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